It's SuperBowl Sunday and my favorite team (Pittsburgh Steelers) is in the big game. Their long standing success can be attributed to how they operate as an organization. They don't pay their players the most money and they don't have a flashy style. They win consistently because they scout players that fit into their system or culture. Culture is so vital to every organization, not just NFL teams. Look at Google, Apple, Exact Target, Compendium, Toms Shoes, etc. Each of these companies has a culture that drives how they do business and how they gauge success. Culture is just as vital as having a strong business plan. In an era where most employees will have worked for 10 companies by the age of 38, identifying and retaining talent is vital to long term viability.
I am fortunate to work for an organization that has a tangible culture and works to build its successes around the people that drive that culture. What is the culture at your company? How do you impact it? What do people internally and externally say about your company's culture? These are the questions that everyone should be thinking about and asking themselves. Culture leads to success. You don't have to like the culture of every company or organization. But if you are passionate about the success of your organization, then you should be trying to shape and promote its culture.