So, 2015 is upon us. For most of us, this means setting resolutions and attempting to follow through on them for at least the first part of the year. For me, it means searching for a new employment opportunity for the second time since December, 2013. Not exactly what I thought or hoped I would be doing to celebrate the New Year and my 42nd birthday. But that being said, maybe this is not only a good thing for me, but a great thing.
In the big picture, I am beyond lucky. I have an incredible wife whose persistence in running her own successful business while attending to the daily needs or our 7 year old daughter, is quite awe inspiring. At least for a little while, I will get to spend more time helping out with our daughter, which can only be viewed as a great thing. Next, I am only 42. A mentor of mine mentioned to me today that he didn't find his true passion until he was 43, and his career was one of the most inspiring and positively impacting that I have ever had the pleasure to be a part of. Age is only a state of mind, and I at least already have a pretty good idea of what I want to be and do when I grow up. Lastly, I have developed an incredible network of friends, mentors and colleagues over the last nearly 20 years of employment experience. I feel very fortunate to need multiple hands to count the people that I consider friends.
I have a feeling that 2015 is going to be one of my best years yet...I am sure it will be for you as well.