January 10
I am attempting to start a readable blog once again. It is 4 AM Eastern Time and I should be asleep, but for whatever reason I am up and wanting to jot some things down. Maybe it is that I just had my 36th birthday or maybe it is my wife asking me what I am doing up, but it is amazing to me how quickly life moves at us now. Technology is changing by the day and the options to receive information seem endless. Let us be mindful of the fact that the best interaction is still face to face. It is growing more diffiuclt to have a coversation with someone in today's age without one or more parties simul-texting, answering phone, returning an email or downloading a podcast. Face to face interactions become rushed and forced and seem to be time consuming. But in order to really get to know someone and "see" their point of view, let's make the time to speak to our friends, colleagues, business partners, family members and the person you just met in the groecery line. Those interactions are becoming to infrequent and in 100 years we will remember those more than our newest Twitter or Facebook update.
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