Memorial Day weekend is here. Living in Indianapolis, that means it is The Race weekend. But not only in Indy, but across the entire country it should mean so much more to all of us. Whatever your beliefs are, it is important to take not just a moment, but several moments to reflect on those that have helped shape this country with their lives. To all veterans of all wars, I say thank you. Your sacrifices have allowed me to grow as an adult and bring my own child into this world. Not to be cliche' but you really can't put any kind of price tag on that type of freedom.
I also want to take this weekend and remember those people from my family or people I have had the pleasure of meeting and knowing. Everyone has someone they should remember during this weekend. Family members, friends, colleagues, leaders, mentors, teachers...there is someone out there that made sacrifices for you and I. Two people that I remember on a daily basis, but particularly this weekend are my Uncle Tom who passed away a couple of years ago and a friend of mine from when I lived in Seattle who passed away far too young. Both gave me direction and insight about life that I will always carry with me. Although it is convenient to remember only on Memorial Day, I like to take time and recall greatness about those that I have known throughout the entire year. So in between race parties, cookouts, trips to the lake and spending time with friends and family, really take some moments and remember. Remember those that have impacted you that are no longer with us, and remember those that impact you today that you can still reach out to. You never know what your feelings may mean to someone who helped shape who you are.
To all of my friends and family, I remember you and thank you for all that you have given me. Have a great holiday everyone.
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